International Journal of

Drug Delivery Technology

ISSN: 0975 4415

Peer Review Journal

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1. Gastroretentive system of Fluvastatin Sodium by Using Natural Mucilage and Synthetic Polymer
Umamaheswara Rao. G, Anudeep Kumar.D
Fluvastatin sodium is a novel compound used as cholesterol lowering agent which acts through the inhibition of 3- hydroxyl-3- methyl glutaryl- coenzyme A (HMG-Co A) reductase. It has short biological half life (1-3h) in humans required a dosing frequency of 20 to 40mg twice a day. Due to its short variable biological half life it has been developed to a sustained gastroretentive system with a natural and synthetic polymer and to study how far the natural mucilage improves the sustained activity. Floating tablets were prepared by direct compression method using in combination of natural mucilage and synthetic polymer. Prior to the preparation of tablets the physical mixtures were subjected to FT IR studies and pre compression parameters. After preparation of tablets they were subjected to various tests like swollen index, drug content, In vitro dissolution and release kinetics with pcp disso software etc. The tablets prepared by direct compression shown good in thickness, hardness and uniformity in drug content, the prepared tablets floated more than 12h except FS1 and FS2 shows 9 and 11h. Swollen index studies shows with increase in concentration of polymer the swelling increases the diffusion path length by which the drug molecule may have to travel and cause lag time. In vitro results shows that on increasing the amount of hibiscus polymer the sustain activity is increased because of its integrity and forms a thick swollen mass and reduces the erosion property of the HypromelloseK100M, kinetic studies shows that FS 1, FS2, FS3 followed the Korsmeyer peppas model and the rest FS 4, FS 5, FS6 follows the zero order respectively. Based on n value indicating that the drug release followed super case II transport mechanism due to the erosion of the polymer.

2. Solid Dispersions: A Review
Sumant Saini
Solid dispersions are one of the most promising strategies to improve the oral bioavailability of poorly water soluble drugs. By reducing drug particle size to the absolute minimum, and hence improving drug wettability, bioavailability may be significantly improved. This article reviews the various preparation techniques for solid dispersion and compiles some of the recent technology transfers. The different types of solid dispersions based on the molecular arrangement have been highlighted. Some of the practical aspects to be considered for the preparation of solid dispersions, such as selection of carrier, solvent and methods of physicochemical characterization, along with an insight into the molecular arrangement of drugs in solid dispersions are also discussed. In this review, it is intended to discuss the recent advances related on the area
of solid dispersions


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International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology

International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research

International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research

International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research

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