
Evaluation of Biocompatibility of Capsaicin-Loaded Dendrimers on Zebrafish Embryos

Carlin Geor Malar, Bavanilathamuthiah

Dendrimers are the nano-sized structures which consist of tree-like branches with many functional terminal ends and are the monodisperse macromolecules which contain symmetric branching units built around a small core molecule. The properties and the applications of these structures depend on the functional terminals. One of the important properties of Dendrimers is its solubility which improves the bioavailability of the insoluble drugs and used as a carrier for drug delivery. Capsaicin can be used against many kinds of cancers. In the present study, the dendrimers were synthesized and capsaicin was bound to it. The successful binding of capsaicin onto the dendrimers was confirmed by the fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The solubility was checked with various solvents and their biocompatibility was evaluated in zebra fish embryos. The results revealed that the prepared dendrimers were biologically compatible in the invivo conditions.

international journal of drug delivery technology

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